About Dr.Jane Goodall and Jane Goodall Institute
In 1977, Dr Jane Goodall established the Jane Goodall Institute in order to protect chimpanzees and their habitats. Since that, Jane Goodall Institutes have been established in more than 30 countries worldwide, and the global network includes more than 65 countries. In 1991, as a sign of hope and faith in youth Dr Goodall launched the Roots&Shoots environmental educational programme, members of which relieve the burden on our planet through active environmental programmes every day.
The latest campaign of the Hungarian Institute under the name ‘Bring it back, Bro!‘ aims to protect great apes by recycling mobile phones. Besides, in 2018 we created the Jane Goodall Educational Trail on Vöröskővár, located in District 2 of Budapest. The trail presents the local wildlife to visitors. Our environmental educators conduct tours here for kindergarten, school and adult groups.
With our kindergarten and school lectures, activities and participation at events we try to inspire people to take action, because everything is up to us, only we can make our world better. This is what the Roots&Shoots programme is about.
Roots&Shoots Programme
Through the international Roots&Shoots programme the JGI encourages young people to be forefront in environmental protection and to work for a better world as sympathetic leaders. Founded in 1991 by Dr Goodall and a group of Tanzanian students, the Roots&Shoots programme equips young people with skills and tools helping them to become able to identify problems in their community, thus to develop their own projects and campaigns. The Roots&Shoots programme has already raised a whole generation of environmental activists.
Hundreds of thousands of young people in more than 65 countries are taking part in the Roots&Shoots programme currently, which represents great power in the work for preserving the environment, and makes a huge impact on the whole world and its future.
You can read more about and join the programme on our website: https://www.janegoodall.hu/rs/rootsandshoots
‘In every single minute of every single day, everyone can do something to make the world a better place’ – Dr. Jane Goodall
website: https://www.thejanegoodallinstitute.com/global
Minden egyes apró cselekedet számít.
Minden egyes ember, minden egyes nap és minden egyes percben tehet azért hogy jobb legyen a világ.
Dr.Jane Goodall